Which is the best example of indirect finance? (2024)

Which is the best example of indirect finance?

Simply put, direct financing is done directly through a lender, while indirect financing is done through a third-party lender, such as a car dealership.

(Video) Direct vs Indirect Finance
(Imtiaz Sifat)
What is an example of indirect finance?

Common methods for indirect financing include a financial auction (where price of the security is bid upon) or an initial public offering (where the security is sold for a set initial price). By allowing borrowers to obtain financing through a third party, inderect financing can improve risk management and liquidity.

(Video) Schroders investIQ: Direct vs indirect investments
What is an example of an indirect loan?

An indirect loan is a loan where the borrower doesn't have a direct relationship with the lender. An intermediary facilitates the lending process. Auto loans are one of the most common examples of indirect lending, with the dealership facilitating car loans through its network of third-party lenders.

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(Accounting Stuff)
Which of the following best describes indirect finance?

Answer and Explanation:

The correct answer is D) You make a deposit at a bank. This refers to lending through a third party, which is the definition of indirect finance. The bank represents the third party. Loaning to your neighbor does not involve a third party.

(Video) Direct vs. Indirect Costs
What are the indirect sources of finance?

Indirect Finance: Indirect finance occurs when you receive loan packages through a third party lender. After applying for a loan, you'll see what options are available. This is all done usually after you've shopped around.

(Video) The Learning Channel: Understanding Direct verses Indirect Investments
(The Learning Channel)
What is direct and indirect finance with examples?

Direct financing is when you apply for a car loan through the lender directly, such as a bank or financial company. In this case, you know what you can spend before going to the dealership. Indirect finance occurs when you go through a third party, and see what type of options are available to you.

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(Leila Gharani)
What is an example of an indirect financial interest in a client?

An indirect financial interest in a client is where an individual has an investment into a collective investment over which the individual has no ability to control investment decisions. Common indirect financial interest include estates and trusts.

(Video) FX Quotations: Direct and Indirect
(Swapskills Academy)
What is the meaning of indirect finance?

What is indirect finance? This is when a business borrows money from a third party, such as a bank, rather than directly from investors. The company pays the third party interest, which in turn pays interest to its investors or depositors.

(Video) What are Indirect Costs?
(Comprehensive Grants Management)
What is indirect exposure in finance?

(d) indirect exposures are where a person agrees and becomes obligated to repay a debt in the event that the primary obligor defaults or is unable to repay; an example of indirect exposure is where a loan given to one person is guaranteed by another person; the recipient of a loan is the „primary‟ obligor and is a ...

(Video) Warren Buffett and the Interpretation of Financial Statements by Mary Buffett (full audio book)
(English Mogador)
What are the examples of indirect securities?

The main forms of indirect security are guarantors and letters of comfort. Lenders prefer direct security over indirect security because the former allows them to seize the pledged assets to recover any losses incurred when the borrower defaults on their financial obligations.

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(Investor Center)

Which is an example of indirect investment quizlet?

d) Buying stocks is an example of direct investing while buying corporate bonds is an example of indirect investing.

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Which is better direct finance or indirect finance?

Advantages: The advantages of direct finance include flexibility. There is no limit on how many loans you can apply for, and you have total control over the process when you work directly with your lender. Disadvantages: An advantage of direct finance is that the process takes more time than indirect finance.

Which is the best example of indirect finance? (2024)
Why is indirect finance better than direct finance?

Advantages of Indirect Finance

With indirect or “in-house” financing, more parties are involved than with direct financing. Working with a team can speed up the application process, because you can search for multiple loan opportunities at the same time and your dealer can run your credit multiple times per day.

Why is indirect finance more important?

The main advantage of indirect finance is that it's cheaper for companies to borrow money this way; this is because banks can offer lower interest rates than private investors, and also because there are usually more investors interested in buying bonds than in lending money directly to companies.

What is the difference between direct and indirect finance quizlet?

What is the difference between indirect and direct finance? Direct Finance: Funds go straight from lenders to borrowers. Indirect finance: funds are channeled through financial intermediaries before being given to borrowers.

What is direct and indirect financial support?

The main public financial support mechanisms are: direct financial support to students through grants and loans. indirect financial support is provided through allowances or tax incentives to students and/or to their parents.

What is indirect financial interest?

What is the meaning of Indirect Financial Interest? A. Indirect Financial Interest means a financial interest beneficially owned through a collective investment vehicle, estate, trust or other intermediary over which the individual or entity has no control.

Which of the following transactions is an example of indirect investment?

Examples of indirect investments include hedge funds, mutual funds, and unit trusts.

What is a direct or indirect interest?

direct or indirect interest means an interest in an entity held directly or an interest held indirectly through interests in one or more intermediary entities connected through a chain of ownership to the entity in question, taking into account the dilutive effect of the interests of others in such intermediary ...

How does indirect auto finance work?

Indirect auto financing is when a lender provides financing to the vehicle seller instead of directly to the buyer. The seller then passes the financing along to the buyer, and the buyer makes regular monthly payments to the lender the dealer connects you with in order to pay off the loan.

What are direct and indirect risks?

direct risk—a threat to your business that is within your control. indirect risk—a threat to your business that is out of your control. internal risk—risks you have the power to prevent or mitigate within your business. external risk—risks you have no control over.

Is a bond indirect finance?

Companies do this through different methods, such as through equity financing, credit arrangements or by purchasing or issuing securities, in the form of stocks and bonds. These are all different forms of direct financing. A business is not entitled to pay any interest rate in these cases.

What does indirect investment include?

Indirect investment can be exemplified by the purchasing of shares in companies that specialise in property dealings, property index derivatives or the bonds of corporate property firms. The company's portfolio also includes indirect investments in generation, distribution and marketing of electricity energy.

What is indirect investment strategy?

The purchase of securities that represent claims on other underlying securities. An indirect investment can be undertaken by purchasing the shares of an investment company. An investment company sells shares in itself to raise funds to purchase a portfolio of securities.

Which of the following is not an example of indirect investment?

Answer and Explanation:

The correct answer is d) savings deposit in a commercial bank. This is actually an example of direct savings, rather than investment.


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